Postoji dosta saveta vezanih za upravljanje i raspolaganje sredstvima sa Paypal naloga. Najčešće se savetuje uzimanje Payoneer kartice koju bi vezali za PayPal nalog a onda novcem raspolagali bilo kupovinom bilo podizanjem na bankomatu.
Novosti od strane PayPal-a su da ovo više nije moguće. Razlog koji u PayPal-u navode za prestanak saradnje sa Payoneer su sigurnosne mere jer Payoneer nalog nije bankarski račun i sredstva na tim računima nisu osigurani od strane FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) - Američke agencije za osiguranje depozita.
Odgovor koji smo dobili:
"I would like to inform you that we are no longer accepting Payoneer Bank accounts to be added to any PayPal account for security measures and in compliance to the global banking regulations. It was found that Payoneer is also a money service business in which functions as PayPal where customers can send, receive or withdraw funds using a prepaid debit card. Please contact Payoneer if you need clarifications about your Payoneer account.
Payoneer account is not a bank account and therefore, you would not be able to add it to your PayPal account. (Section 14.(Disclaimers), “The US Payment Service is not a bank account in the United States and funds received on your behalf are not FDIC-insured.”) as per the Payoneer US Payment Service Terms and Conditions."
Sa druge strane, ni PayPal nema osigurana sredstva korisnika od strane FDIC pa bi zaključak mogao da bude mnogo jednsotavniji-konkurencija.
I tako PayPal ostaje polu operativan u Srbiji jer i dalje ne postoji jednostavan način da podignete sredstva sa svog naloga jer nije moguće povezati ga sa bankovnim računom u Srbiji.
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